Oracle 10 DBA Interview questions and answers

1. Is the following SQL statement syntactically correct? If not, please rewrite it correctly.


Ans. SQL is incorrect.

Correct SQL : SELECT col1 FROM tableA WHERE col1 NOT IN (SELECT col1 FROM tableB);

2. What is a more efficient way to write this query, to archive the same set?

Ans: SELECT col1 from tableA minus SELECT col1 from tableB

3.How would you determine that the new query is more efficient than the original query?

Ans: Run explain plan on both query and see the result .

4.How can we find the location of the database trace files from within the data dictionary?

Ans: Generally trace file on the database server machine is located in one of two locations:

1. If you are using a dedicated server connection, the trace file will be generated in the directory specified by

the USER_DUMP_DEST parameter.
2.If you are using a shared server connection, the trace file will be generated in the directory specified by the


you can run sqlplus>SHOW PARAMETER DUMP_DEST
select name, value
from v$parameter
where name like '%dump_dest%'

5. What is the correct syntax for a UNIX endless WHILE loop?

while :

6. Write the SQL statement that will return the name and size of the largest datafile in the database.

SQL> select name,bytes from v$datafile where bytes=(select max(bytes) from v$datafile);

7. What are the proper steps to changing the Oracle database block size?

cold backup all data files and backup controlfile to trace, recreate your database
with the new block size using the backup control file, and restore. It may be easier
with rman. You can not change datbase block size on fly.

8. Using awk, write a script to print the 3rd field of every line.


awk '{print }'

awk '{print $3}

awk '{print $3}

9.Under what conditions, is a nested loop better than a merge join?


Optimizer uses nested loop when we are joining tables containing small number of rows with an efficient driving

It is important to have an index on column of inner join table as this table is probed every time for a new value

from outer table.

Optimizer may not use nested loop in case:

1. No of rows of both the table is quite high
2. Inner query always results in same set of records
3. The access path of inner table is independent of data coming from outer table.

merge join is used to join two independent data sources. They perform better than nested loop when the volume of

data is big in tables
but not as good as hash joins in general.

10.Which database views would you use to ascertain the number of commits a user's session has performed?


select * from V$SESSTAT a ,V$STATNAME b where b.CLASS=a.STATISTIC# and b.NAME='user commits' and a.sid=

11.What does the #!bin/ksh at the beginning of a shell script do? Why should it be there?

Ans: On the first line of an interpreter script, the "#!", is the name of a program which should be used to

interpret the contents of the file.
For instance, if the first line contains "#! /bin/ksh", then the contents of the file are executed as a korn shell


12.What command is used to find the status of Oracle 10g Clusterware (CRS) and the various components it manages

(ONS, VIP, listener, instances, etc.)?



13.Describe a scenario in which a vendor clusterware is required, in addition to the Oracle 10g Clusterware.

If you choose external redundancy for the OCR and voting disk, then to enable redundancy, the disk subsystem must be configurable for RAID mirroring/vendor clusterware. Otherwise, your system may be vulnerable because the OCR and voting disk are single points of failure.

14.How would you find the interconnect IP address from any node within an Oracle 10g RAC configuration?

using oifcfg command.

se the oifcfg -help command to display online help for OIFCFG. The elements of OIFCFG commands, some of which are

optional depending on the command, are:

*nodename—Name of the Oracle Clusterware node as listed in the output from the olsnodes command
*if_name—Name by which the interface is configured in the system
*subnet—Subnet address of the interface
*if_type—Type of interface: public or cluster_interconnect

You can use OIFCFG to list the interface names and the subnets of all of the interfaces available on the local node

by executing the iflist keyword as shown in this example:

oifcfg iflist

You can also retrieve specific OIFCFG information with a getif command using the following syntax:
oifcfg getif [ [-global | -node nodename] [-if if_name[/subnet]] [-type if_type] ]

To store a new interface use the setif keyword. For example, to store the interface hme0, with the subnet, as a global interface (to be used as an interconnect for all of the RAC instances in your cluster),

you would use the command:

oifcfg setif -global hme0/

For a cluster interconnect that exists between only two nodes, for example rac1 and rac2, you could create the cms0

interface with the following commands, assuming is the subnet addresses for the interconnect on rac1

and rac2 respectively:

oifcfg setif -global cms0/

Use the OIFCFG delif command to delete the stored configuration for global or node-specific interfaces. A specific

node-specific or global interface can be deleted by supplying the interface name, with an optional subnet, on the

command line. Without the -node or -global options, the delif keyword deletes either the given interface or all of

the global and node-specific interfaces on all of the nodes in the cluster. For example, the following command

deletes the global interface named qfe0 for the subnet

oifcfg delif -global qfe0/

On the other hand, the next command deletes all of the global interfaces stored with OIFCFG:

oifcfg delif -global

15.What is the Purpose of the voting disk in Oracle 10g Clusterware?

Voting disk record node membership information. Oracle Clusterware uses the voting disk to determine which instances are members of a cluster. The voting disk must reside on a shared disk. For high availability, Oracle recommends that you have a minimum of three voting disks. If you configure a single voting disk, then you should use external mirroring to provide redundancy. You can have up to 32 voting disks in your cluster.

16.What is the purpose of the OCR in Oracle 10g Clusterware?

Ans: Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) is a component in 10g RAC used to store the cluster configuration information. It is a shared disk component, typically located in a shared raw volume that must be accessible to all nodes in the cluster.

The daemon OCSSd manages the configuration info in OCR and maintains the changes to cluster in the registry.

17. In Oracle Streams archived log downstream capture, which database view can be used to determine which archived

logs are no longer needed by the capture process?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Job Interview Answer:

Job Interview Answer: What Motivates You?
There isn't a right or wrong answer to interview questions about what motivates you. The interviewer is
trying to understand the key to your being successful in the job he is interviewing for, and wants to make
sure it's a good fit. Consider, in advance of interviewing, what actually does motivate you and come up
with some specific examples to share during the interview.
Your response will vary based on your background and experiences, but, you will want to share your
enthusiasm and what you like(d) best about your job. Here are some examples:
• I was responsible for several projects where I directed development teams and implemented
repeatable processes. The teams achieved 100% on-time delivery of software products. I was
motivated both by the challenge of finishing the projects ahead of schedule and by managing the
teams that achieved our goals.
• I've always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I'm in. I want to
excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer.
• I have always wanted to ensure that my company's clients get the best customer service I can
provide. I've always felt that it's important, both to me personally, and for the company and the
clients, to provide a positive customer experience.
• I have spent my career in sales, typically in commission-based positions, and compensation has
always been a strong factor in motivating me to be the top salesperson at my prior employers.
Job Interview Answer: What are the Most
Difficult Decisions to Make?
By Alison Doyle,
There is no right or wrong answer to questions like "What are the most difficult decisions to make?" or
"Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it." These are behavioral interview
questions designed to discover how you handled certain situations. The logic behind these type of
questions is that how you behaved in the past is a predictor of what you will do in the future.
Give concrete examples of difficult situations that actually happened at work. Then discuss what you did
to solve the problem. Keep your answers positive ("Even though it was difficult when Jane Doe quit
without notice, we were able to rearrange the department workload to cover the position until a
replacement was hired.") and be specific. Itemize what you did and how you did it.
The best way to prepare for questions where you will need to recall events and actions, is to refresh your
memory and consider some special situations you have dealt with or projects you have worked on. You
can use them to help frame responses. Prepare stories that illustrate times when you have successfully
solved a difficult situation.
ob Interview Answer: Tell Me About Yourself
From Joe Turner, for
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1. Interviews
2. > Job Interview Q & A
3. > Top Interview Answers
You walk into the interview room, shake hands with your interviewer and sit down with your best
interviewing smile on. Guess what their first question is? "Tell me about yourself."
Do you "wing it" and actually tell all manner of things about yourself? Will you spend the next 5 minutes
rambling on about what an easy-going, loyal, dedicated, hard working employee you've been? If this is the
case, you stand a good chance of having bored your interviewer to death thus creating a negative first
Because it's such a common interview question, it's strange that more candidates don't spend the time to
prepare for exactly how to answer it. Perhaps because the question seems so disarming and informal, we
drop our guard and shift into ramble mode. Resist all temptation to do so.
Your interviewer is not looking for a 10-minute dissertation here. Instead, offer a razor sharp sentence or
two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors.
Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Give them "your synopsis about you" answer, specifically your Unique Selling Proposition. Known as a
personal branding or a value-added statement, the USP is a succinct, one-sentence description of who you
are, your biggest strength and the major benefit that a company will derive from this strength. Here is an
example of a Unique Selling Proposition: "I'm a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training
programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for
(employer's name) during the past 11 years."
What a difference you've made with this statement. Your interviewer is now sitting forward in her chair
giving you her full attention. At this point, you might add the following sentence: "I'd like to discuss how I
might be able to do something like that for you." The ball is now back in her court and you have the
beginnings of a real discussion and not an interrogation process.
Be Specific
The key is that you must lead with your strongest benefit to the employer. Be specific and don't wander
about with some laundry list of skills or talents. Be sure to put a monetary value on your work if at all
possible and be ready with details when you're called upon. Give an estimated value to the $$ you've
either helped to make or save for your employer.
Be Prepared
When you walk into an interview, remember to always expect the "tell me about yourself" question.
Prepare ahead of time by developing your own personal branding statement that clearly tells who you are,
your major strength and the clear benefit that your employer received. The advantages of this approach are
that you'll quickly gain their attention and interest them in knowing more. You'll separate yourself from
your competitors. You'll also have a higher chance of being positively remembered and hired.
Job Interview Answer: What Has Been The
Greatest Disappointment In Your Life?
From Kay Stout, for
Your response to the question "What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?" will help the
interviewer determine know how easily you are discouraged.
Best Answer
If possible, tell about a personal disappointment i.e. the early death of a parent, child, or school friend.
Believe it or not, it is okay to have not had a "greatest" disappointment.
Job Interview Answer: What Are Your
Pet Peeves?
Your response to the question "What are your pet peeves?" will help the interviewer determine if you
would be a good fit with the company culture.
Best Answer
I do not have a pet peeve. If something is bothering me, I step back, analyze "why" and find a good
solution. If you asked my teenage daughter she would tell you my pet peeve is the volume on her radio!
Job Interview Answer: What Do People Most Often Criticize About You?
From Kay Stout
The interview question "What Do People Most Often Criticize About You?" is asked to find out how sensitive to you are.
Best Answers
There's no on-going criticism. I'm open to personal and professional growth and welcome the opportunity to improve.
If humor is appropriate, this is a good time to use it. Example: I have a teenage daughter - few things I do are okay on her radar
Job Interview Answer: When Was The Last Time You Were Angry?
What Happened?
From Kay Stout
When the interviewer asks "When Was The Last Time You Were Angry? What Happened?" he or she wants to know if you lose
control. The real meaning of the word "angry", to an interviewer, is loss of control and it's important to know how you handle
situations when you're angry.
Best Answer
Anger to me means loss of control. I do not lose control. When I get stressed, I step back, take a deep breath, thoughtfully think
through the situation and then begin to formulate a plan of action
Job Interview Answer: If You Could Relive The Last 10 Years Of Your
From Kay Stout
When asking what you would do if you could relive your life, the interviewer is looking for a flaw in your interview. Always
remember, the goal for the first few interviews is to get the next interview. For the interviewer, it is to weed out as many
applicants as possible. Here's where a personal answer could work.
Personal Answer
I lost my mother to Alzheimer's. I wish I'd known more about the disease to help me through that difficult time.
Non-personal Answer
Really, nothing. I've learned from each experience I've had.
Job Interview Answer: Why should you be hired?
From Kay Stout
When the interviewer asks "If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?" he or she
wants to know what your perception is of what others think about your qualifications and abilities.
Best Answer
I'm sure if you asked my friends that question they would say you should hire me because I have the skills outlined in the job
description and I bring 10+ years of expertise to this position. Words they've used to describe me are: hard working,
professional, trusted and a team player.
Job Interview Answer: Do you prefer to work independently or on a
From Kay Stout
When the interviewer asks "Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?" he or she wants to know if you're a team player
or would rather work on your own.
Best Answers
I am equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently. In researching the LMN company, your mission
statement and the job description, I could see similarities to my previous position where there were some assignments that
required a great deal of independent work and research and others where the team effort was most effective. As I said, I'm
comfortable with both.
In high school, I enjoyed playing soccer and performing with the marching band. Each required a different kind of team play, but
the overall goal of learning to be a member of a group was invaluable. I continued to grow as team member while on my
sorority's debate team and through my advanced marketing class where we had numerous team assignments.
I'm very comfortably working on a team, but I can also
Job Interview Answer: Give Some Examples of Teamwork
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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A typical interview question to discover how well you would work with other people is "Give some examples of teamwork."
Companies, for the most part, do not want "Lone-Rangers" - they are looking for employees who will adapt to the company
culture and get along with others.
Sample Answers
In high school, I enjoyed playing soccer and performing with the marching band. Each required a different kind of team play, but
the overall goal of learning to be a member of a group was invaluable. I continued to grow as team member while on my
sorority's debate team and through my advanced marketing class where we had numerous team assignments.
In my last postion, I was part of a software implementation team. We all worked together to plan and manage the implementation
schedule, to provide customer training, and ensure a smooth transition for our customers.
Our team always completed our projects ahead of schedule with very positive reviews from our clients.
Job Interview Answer: What type of work environment do you prefer?
From Kay Stout
Best Answer
I can be flexible when it comes to my work environment. What is the environment in the Engineering department here at RRS,
Inc? (Once they've described the work environment, include key phrases they've used when you describe your preferred work
Job Interview Answer: How do you evaluate success?
From Kay Stout
Best Answer
I evaluate success in different ways. At work, it is meeting the goals set by my supervisors and my fellow workers. It is my
understanding, from talking to other employees, that the GGR company is recognized for not only rewarding success, but giving
employees opportunity to grow as well. After work, I enjoy playing softball, so success on the field is catching the winning popup.
Job Interview Answer: How Do You Handle it if the Boss is Wrong?
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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Contributed by Jeanne Moore
The question "If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something, how would you handle this?" is asked to find out how you
deal with a difficult situation.
Best Answers
An answer that works well is: "It depends on the situation and the personality of the supervisor." To elaborate, give examples:
My present supervisor does not like to have his authority questioned. He's fairly new on the job and almost all of the people he
supervises have been on the job longer than he has. He's never bothered to learn the procedures, how things are done or how
the computer system works. But if any of us tell him that how he wants something done won't work, he gets extremely angry. So,
I never tell him he's wrong. Never.
Whatever he tells me to do, I smile and say "okay." Then if I know a way to get it done that will work, I do it that way, give him the
results he wants and never tell him I didn't do it the way he told me to. He got the results and is happy. I saved myself the stress
of being yelled at and gave him what he wanted, so I'm happy.
My prior superviser was more easy-going and if I told her "you know, I think it might work better if I do what you asked in such
and such a way," she say "okay, try it."
If I were a new hire on a job, I would probably not question a supervisor because I might think I didn't know enough. Except on
the new job I'm going to. The director has admitted that she's new on the job and there are alot of things that a secretary does
that she doesn't know how to do, so she will be depending on me to know how to keep the office running.
Job Interview Answer: What are the Most Difficult Decisions to Make?
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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There is no right or wrong answer to questions like "What are the most difficult decisions to make?" or "Describe a difficult work
situation / project and how you overcame it." These are behavioral interview questions designed to discover how you handled
certain situations. The logic behind these type of questions is that how you behaved in the past is a predictor of what you will do
in the future.
Give concrete examples of difficult situations that actually happened at work. Then discuss what you did to solve the problem.
Keep your answers positive ("Even though it was difficult when Jane Doe quit without notice, we were able to rearrange the
department workload to cover the position until a replacement was hired.") and be specific.
Itemize what you did and how you did it.
The best way to prepare for questions where you will need to recall events and actions, is to refresh your memory and consider
some special situations you have dealt with or projects you have worked on. You can use them to help frame responses.
Prepare stories that illustrate times when you have successfully solved a difficult situation.
Job Interview Answer: Describe a Time When Your Workload was
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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A typical interview question to discover how you manage your work is "Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how
you handled it."
Sample Answers
While at the HKL plant, we were faced with a sudden order increase for the j-ball bearing. It was for a new customer. I
immediately sat down with the production supervisor, our materials/supply manager, and the union steward. We were able to lay
out a workable plan that maximized hourly costs, guaranteed materials were available and, with only a slight adjustment, meet
the production deadline. While it was challenging and involved long hours, the pay-off was a signed contract with a new
When I was working on a software implementation team at ABC Company, we took over another company and had to transition
many clients to a new product in a short amount of time.
It took a lot of planning, time, hard work, and effort, but we were able to complete the project in a timely manner.
Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company
Job Interview Answer: What Interests You About This Job?
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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When you're asked what interests you about the position you are interviewing for, the best way to respond is to describe the
qualifications listed in the job posting, then connect them to your skills and experience. That way, the employer will see that you
know about the job you're interviewing for (not everyone does) and that you have the qualifications necessary to do the job.
For example, if you were interviewing for a Human Resources Manager job where you would be responsible for recruiting,
orientation, and training, you will want to discuss how you were responsible for these functions in your past positions, and why
you are interested in continuing to develop your expertise in Human Resources management.
Another example would be if you were interviewing for a Programmer / Analyst position
In that case, you would mention your interest in learning and excelling at new technologies, your experience in programming
both new applications, and your interest in and your ability to problem solve.
In all cases, you will want to convey your enthusiasm for the opportunity to interview, along with your solid ability to do the job.
Job Interview Answer: Why Do You Want This Job?
• This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference.
As a finance executive well versed in the new stock options law, I see this position as made to order. It contains the challenge to
keep me on my toes. That's the kind of job I like to anticipate every morning.
• I want this job because it seems tailored to my competencies, which include sales and marketing. As I said earlier, in a
previous position I created an annual growth rate of 22 percent in a flat industry. Additionally, the team I would work with looks
• I well understand that this is a company on the way up. Your Web site says the launch of several new products is
imminent. I want be a part of this business as it grows.
• Having worked through a college business major building decks and porches for neighbors, this entry-level job for the
area's most respected home builder has my name on it.
• As a dedicated technician, I like doing essential research. Being part of a breakthrough team is an experience I'd love to
• This job is a good fit for what I've been interested in throughout my career. It offers a nice mix of short- and long-term
activities. My short-term achievements keep me cranked up and the long-term accomplishments make me feel like a billion
• I want this job selling theater tickets because I'd be good at it. I'm good at speaking to people and handling cash. I
would like a job with regular hours and I'm always on time.
• Although some companies are replacing Americans with imported low-wage workers, you are standing tall. This
company's successful strategies, good reputation and values make it heads and shoulders above its competition.
• I'd fit right in as a counter clerk in your fine drycleaners. I have observed that the counter clerk position requires
competence at handling several activities in quick order -- customer service, payments, bagging and phones. I like multitasking
and, as a homemaker, I have a lot of practice in keeping all the balls in the air.
• The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. The buzz on this company is
that it rewards people who deliver solutions to substantial problems.
Job Interview Answer: What are you looking for in your next job?
From Kay Stout
Best Answers
You can begin your answer with this question: Tell me, Mr./Ms. Interviewer, what is a typical career path at OPL for someone
with my skills and experience?
(Based on the answer you can then respond to the original question using the phrases from the answer to frame your response).
What is important to you? Two things are very important to me. One is my professionalism at work; the second is my family life.
Job Interview Answer: What Are Your Goals for the Future?
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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The best way to respond to the interview question "What are your goals for the future?" or "Where do you see yourself in five
years?" is to refer to the position and the company you are interviewing with.
Don't discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family, they are not relevant and could knock you out of contention
for the job. Rather, you want to connect your answer to the job you are applying for. Examples of good responses include:
• My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities,
and contribute as much of value as I can.
• I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. I plan on enhancing my
skills and continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations.
• Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management.
• In the XYZ Corporation, what is a typical career path for someone with my skills and experiences?
Job Interview Answer: How Will You Achive Your Goals?
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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As a follow-up to the interview question "What are your goals for the future?" the interviewer will often ask how you plan on
achieving those goals. A good answer to this question will speak specifically about what you are going to accomplish and how
you are going to accomplish it. Examples of good responses include:
• I plan on gaining additional skills by taking related classes and continuing my involvement with a variety of professional
• I noticed that XYZ company (the company you are interviewing with) provides in-house training for employees and I
would certainly be interested in taking classes that would be relevant.
• I will continue my professional development my participating in conferences, attending seminars, and continuing my
Salary Negotiation
From Alison Doyle,
Your Guide to Job Searching.
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How to Negotiate a Compensation Package
Before you start talking pay (and salary negotiations) with a prospective employer, you need to find out how much the job (and
you) are worth. You will need to take the time to research salaries, so, you are prepared to get what you're worth and a job offer
that's realistic and reasonable.
Salary Negotiations
Once you know what you should be earning, how do you go about getting it? Start by being very patient. When interviewing for a
new position, do your best not to bring up compensation until the employer makes you an offer. If you're asked what your salary
requirements are, say that they are open based upon the position and the overall compensation package. Or tell the employer
you'd like to know more about the responsibilities and the challenges of the job prior to discussing salary.
Another option is to give the employer a salary range based upon the salary research you've done up front. Once you've
received the offer you don't need to accept (or reject) it right away. A simple "I need to think it over" can get you an increase in
the original offer.
And if you're ambivalent about the position a "no" can bring you a better offer too. I turned down a position I knew I didn't want,
regardless of salary, and received three follow-up phone calls upping the compensation package. Be careful though, if you do
definitely need that new job there's a risk that the employer may accept your declining the position and move on to the next
Negotiating a Raise
If you are currently employed and want a raise, start by being prepared. Gather your salary survey information, recent
performance appraisals that document the job you're doing, and any other relevant information. Be aware of company policy
regarding compensation. Some employers are limited by budget constraints and can only give raises at certain times of the year,
regardless of the circumstances. Have a clear idea of what you want. Determine the salary range you're looking for and
justification for the increase and have both ready to review with your supervisor. Be flexible. Would you consider an extra couple
of weeks vacation instead of a raise? I know someone who's regularly taken time-off instead of money and now has six vacation
weeks a year... Then, ask your supervisor for a meeting to discuss salary. Present your request, supported by documentation,
calmly and rationally. Don't ask for an immediate answer. Your boss is mostly likely going to have to discuss it with Human
Resources and/or other company managers.
Despite your best efforts, there may simply not be enough money in the budget to increase your salary or compensation
package offer. The company may also not want to create inequities by paying one person more than others in a similar position.
In that case, you can at least know you tried. Plus, if this is a job you really think that you're going to love, consider whether the
company culture, the benefits, and the job itself are worth it - regardless of the salary.
Job Interview Answers to Questions About Your Career Goals
From Kay Stout
Job Interview Questions About Your Career Goals and Sample Answers
The overall theme for each of the answers below is: have you thought about the impact of your decisions at the time you made
them - or do you have a reactive response to most situations. Far too often, a person's career appears to have happened by
chance. In todays fast-paced, ever changing world of work, employer's want to know if they can count on you to make good
decisions, not knee-jerk reactions.
Start with your graduation from college and explain the rationale behind each of your career moves.
When I graduated from college, I was immediately recruited by the ABC Company. As my resume reflects, I received two
promotions and then a recruiter contacted for the position at the XYZ Company.
I've been there for the past 4 years and have learned a great deal, while making significant contributions to my department.
Also, explain the thinking process that went into make each of those decisions.
For my first job, I was happy to know I would be working in a job that utilized my education. It was exciting to know that within
just a few weeks of graduation, I had my first paycheck. My thinking behind the XYZ position centered on the fact that they have
a global presence, it was a definite promotion and positioned me to be a viable candidate for the marketing position with your
How many hours a day/week do you need to work to get the job done?
I use my time efficiently at work and, for the most part, it's not the number of hours I work; but how effective my time has been to
accomplish the job. I'm sure my references will tell you I was more than willing to put in the time to be sure the job was
completed as quickly and as professionally as possible.
If you stayed with your current company, what would be your next move?
The upward mobility at my current company would most likely be in the global marketing department.
How do you measure success?
I measure professional success by the standards of the company for which I work, the feedback I receive from my peers,
supervisors and subordinates. Personally, it is to know I'm regarded as a good husband, father and member of society.
Describe your dream job.
As a child, I dreamed of being the starting pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. When I realized I did not have a fast ball, or a change -
up; I concentrated on my skills in marketing because I realized it is an area where I not only can make significant contributions,
but I enjoy using my talent in a corporate environment.
Job Interview Answers to Questions About Your Supervisor
From Kay Stout
Job Interview Questions About Co-Workers and Supervisors and Sample Answers
For the most part, the following questions may be asked to determine if you are a team player. Take a few seconds, when asked
a difficult question, before you answer. An interviewer is not expecting you to have a ready answer. However, the Boy Scout
Motto - Be Prepared - - certainly applies here as well.
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a co-worker who wasn't doing his/her fair share of the work. What did
you do and what was the outcome?
I worked closely with Ann who, for the most part, always carried her fair share of the work load. During a stressful time, working
on a project with a deadline, I realized Ann's contributions to the project were almost minimal.
I made the decision to wait until after the project to speak with her. I'm glad I did, because I learned she'd been going through a
very tough time in her personal life and she appreciated my willingness to go the extra mile so the project was completed on
time. As a result, our ability to work well together significantly increased.
Give me an example of a time when you took the time to share a co-worker's or supervisor's achievements with other?
At my most recent position, one of my co-workers, Dan, did an outstanding job of calming an irate customer, solving the
customer's problem and completing a sale. When our boss asked me how things were going, I told him everything was going fine
and that Dan had just completed calming an irate customer and closing a sale. It was a win-win-win- for our boss, Dan and the
Tell me about a time that you didn't work well with a supervisor. What was the outcome and how would you have
changed the outcome?
Early in my career, I had a supervisor (Judy) who was in a fairly good mood on Monday, but it deteriorated each day until by
Friday, the supervisor was finding fault with everything I did. I didn't realize, until I left that position, that I had been a contributor
to the decline in her mood. Judy would ask me how my weekend was (on Monday) and during the week she would ask how it
was going. I would tell her how much fun I was having (I was single) and how I was looking forward to the weekend plans. After I
left, I realized my life was in complete contrast to hers and I reminded her of it almost daily. When she asked the questions, I
should have had a quick answer, and then asked her how she was doing!!!!
Have you worked with someone you didn't like? If so, how did you handle it?
Yes, I've worked with someone whom I found difficult to like as a person. However, when I focused on the skills they brought to
the job, their ability to solve problems and the two things I did appreciate, slowly my attitude towards them changed. We were
never friends, but we did work well together.
Tell me about a time that you helped someone.
Most recently, we had a new hire (Paul) that was really struggling with getting to work on time, and I knew the boss (Harry) was
getting irritated. Over lunch one day I explained to Paul how important it was to our boss for everyone to be there at least 10
minutes early. It was personal with the Harry, but you could really get on his bad side when you were frequently late. The new
employee was grateful for the advice. At his previous employment, the boss was only concerned about the work getting done on
time; he/she did not "watch the clock".
Tell me about a time that you misjudged a person.
There was a long-time employee (George) at my second company who was very gruff when he spoke to me. At first, I went out
of my way to win the George's approval. Then I realized that was compounding the problem. So I observed how he interacted
with other employees and discovered I wasn't alone. He was gruff to most people. I quit trying to gain his approval and, in the
process, discovered he'd learned his behavior from a former boss he'd had whom he admired.
How do you get along with older (younger) co-workers?
Suggested answer if your co-workers are older: There are times when I just know that a new way of doing something makes
more sense to me; but, first hand, I learned that my "better way" may not be the best way to get the job done. As a consequence,
I respect my older co-workers knowledge and I've learned how to make a suggestion at the appropriate time.
Suggested answer if your co-workers are younger: I quickly realized it was not my job to "parent" the younger people with whom
I work; it was my job to get to know them and for us to find common ground where we could effectively work together. It took
time, but the result was worth the effort

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